Linked Building Data Community Group

Aim and Scope

The Linked Building Data Community Group (LBD-CG) is a W3C Community Group that brings together experts in the area of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Web of Data technologies, who are working to address the challenge of managing the huge amount of data that is generated across the building life cycle.

Also, we want to provide a forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners who are working on advancing the field.


Vast amounts of heterogeneous data are generated and used during the life cycle of a building. An example is product data, which describe the building and the elements that make up the building. Product data includes walls, windows, pipes, ducts, light switches, sensors and other devices. With these data as a basis, and through their connection to more fine-grained data, such as sensor measurements data, usage data, intelligent domotic system data, geographical data, weather data, highly advanced services can be supplied over the Web to various end users.

From an industrial point of view, using Linked Data technologies and adopting common Knowledge Graph models are essential to exploiting building data on the web for a range of important use cases, including those related to indoor navigation (e.g. shop navigation, evacuation and disaster, etc.), energy efficiency simulation (e.g. retrofitting, behavioural change, etc.), web-based facility management, and many more.

The outcomes generated by this group will support building owners and companies to publish quality building data on the web in a structured way, making the development of new and novel applications possible.

The 5 stars Linked Data paradigm can be adapted for Building-related data as follows:

  • Using URIs as names for building-related things such as: rooms, walls, products, elements, enable different parties to provide complementary descriptions of the same uniquely identified entities in different knowledge graphs.
  • Using HTTP URIs for these things enables the authority responsible for these URIs to provide reference information about this entity when one looks it up on the Web. For example, products in a catalogue, building appliances, or even the building itself.
  • Providing information using common standards (RDF, SPARQL) and common Knowledge Graph models enable semantic interoperability between data sources.
  • Include links to other URIs can help to discover more things, such as a link to the catalogue an appliance has been chosen from, or a link to the Web of Things Servient that enables it to interact with this appliance.

Licensing and Terms of Contributions

By contributing to this group, you abaide by the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). All published deliverables by the group are also released under this license. Learn more about W3C Community Groups.

Deliverables and Ongoing community work

Description Status Links (if available)
The Building Topology Ontology (BOT): a minimal ontology for describing the core topological concepts of a building. Community Group Report
Linked Building Data Community Group Use Cases & Requirements Ongoing
Building Data on the Web Best Practices Planned N/A
Products Ongoing
Properties evaluation Ongoing
Building-specific taxonomy of products, and properties Planned N/A
Geometry Ongoing work
Project Management Ongoing work

The Group's Archive page lists documents that have been part of the group's activity in the past.


Group chairs


The Linked Building Data community group has 100+ members. For a list of members, see

Meetings and minutes

The group has regular online teleconference meetings, announced on the mailing list. See the past meetings and minutes at the following page:

Get involved

For discussions etc., we use the public mailing list of the group
The archives are available online at

Anyone may join this Community Group. All participants in this group have signed the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement.

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