SPARQL-visualizer | BOT: The basics By Mads Holten Rasmussen

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In BOT every conceptual object that can be spatially defined is a bot:Zone

The simple dataset in this example contains a building site, a building, two storeys and four spaces.


inst:SiteA is a bot:Site and it bot:hasBuilding inst:BuildingA which is a bot:Building. There are two storeys inst:Storey00 and inst:Storey01 and they are related to the building by the bot:hasStorey relationship.


The TBox is the full BOT ontology without human readable labels and comments.

Overall, BOT describes relationships between zones as illustrated below. There are 4 predefined subclasses of bot:Zone:

  • bot:Site
  • bot:Building
  • bot:Storey
  • bot:Space

Zones can be related to other zones using the property bot:adjacentZone or bot:containsZone. The latter is a transitive property meaning that if <zoneA> bot:containsZone <zoneB> AND <zoneB> bot:containsZone <zoneC> THEN <zoneA> bot:containsZone <zoneC> - Just like Matryoshka dolls.

There are 3 predefined subproperties of bot:containsZone:

  • bot:hasBuilding (range is a bot:Building)
  • bot:hasStorey (range is a bot:Storey)
  • bot:hasSpace (range is a bot:Space)

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